Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a nice summer. Our summer has been busy, but fun. I have learned to Army crawl and am into everything. My mommy and daddy are excited to see be doing so well, but they seem to have forgotten what it's like having a baby crawling around the house. So far I have done well without my oxygen and feeding tube. The doctors are happy with my progress and feel I am growing well. I still have physical and occupational therapy every week. My mommy, daddy, and my sissies enjoying playing with me and we have been having a lot of fun together as a family. We are getting ready as this winter I will be stuck back in doors away from people and from germs. Since my immune system is very week I have to be very careful not to get sick.
I would also like to thank my new friends at 8leggedgecko for all they are doing for my family. If you are visiting this site from theirs you can track my story back to my first surgery just over a year ago.
Please remember to say a prayer for me.
Love, Drew and Family